Kunstloc Brabant

Kunstloc Brabant wants as many Brabanders as possible to participate in art and culture because it inspires and enriches their lives.

Art and culture are a breeding ground for curiosity, astonishment and imagination. If art and culture are given a natural and unmistakable place in the daily lives of every Brabander from an early age, this will stimulate innovation and renewal in our society.

As a provincial knowledge and expertise center we are therefore committed to the broad field of art and culture in North Brabant: from elementary school pupil and brass band musician to professional artist. We also stimulate the use of art and culture in social issues such as quality of life, sustainability and care.

We do this by offering expertise, a network and access to financial support.


Kunstloc Brabant is op werkdagen geopend van 09:00 tot 17:00 uur.

De expositieruimte is geopend van maandag t/m vrijdag van 09:00 tot 22:00 uur. Op zaterdag kun je in de expositieruimte terecht van 09.00 tot 17.00 uur en op zondag van 12.00 tot 17.00 uur. 

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