Mid North Brabant Library

Everyone in Mid North Brabant should be given the opportunity to develop their talents and to participate in society to their fullest potential. This requires knowledge and imagination. As Mid North Brabant’s largest cultural insitution, comprising 15 locations, Mid North Brabant Library stimulates and organizes the creation, sharing, and accessibility of knowledge and stories. We do this based on our rich collection, but also by offering a podium and creating a workplace. In other words, a New Style Library.

Want to browse the catalog?

Read, learn, listen and watch: from books to movies, from games to e-books. Avail yourself of the richness of our collection.

Our online catalog can be found on the website of the Mid North Brabant Library:

browse our collection

Idea for an activity?

All kinds of activities take place in the LocHal every day where people share knowledge and stories. These activities include lectures, debates and exhibitions and are always created in cooperation with other organizations and users.

We challenge you to join us in making the LocHal's programming a success. Do you have an idea for an activity that should take place in one of our spaces? Read on via the link below.

more information

Meer bedrijven bij de LocHal

Seats2meet Tilburg


Je ontmoet elkaar bij Seats2meet! Fijn vergaderen, evenementen organiseren en creatieve uitingen verzorgen. Natuurlijk ook kennisdelen en werken.
Kunstloc Brabant

Kunstloc Brabant

Kunstloc Brabant wil zoveel mogelijk Brabanders deel laten nemen aan kunst en cultuur, want dat inspireert en verrijkt je leven.

Seats2meet Tilburg


You meet each other at Seats2meet! Hold congenial meetings, organize events and provide for creative expressions. As well as, of course, knowledge sharing and work.